Sunday, July 6, 2008

Capcom: Tropies to be Required

A moderator on the Capcom forums claims that trophy support will be required in future Capcom titles. In response to whether or not Devil May Cry 4 or Puzzle fighter HD remix would be receiving trophy support Sven replied:

DMC4 is unlikely as the game is done and it has its own little trophylike system

Puzzle Fighter is also unlikely. The game is done and the team that made it is on other stuff.

SSF2T HD Remix, undetermined at this time. We'll have to see what schedules look like and what Sony's requirements are.

New games that are started from here on out though, it's a safe bet that they'll be there (it's been worked into CEI's developer contracts as a required deliverable).

Capcom-Unity via Max Console

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